Compliance in the tmax Group
Compliance is a key component in securing the long-term success of the company and protects employees and tmax from unnecessary risks.
tmax is therefore in the process of establishing a company-wide, standardized and effective protection system, tmax Compliance Management System (CMS), which aims to ensure consistent compliance with legal regulations and internal guidelines by all employees.
Compliance at tmax is managed by our Chief Compliance Officer and central Compliance Manager.
Compliance areas
- Antitrust law
- Corruption prevention
- Fraud/Infidelity
- Other white-collar crimes (in particular betrayal of trade and business secrets, tax offenses, data protection violations)
- Code of Conduct / Supplier Code of Conduct
- Privacy
All preventative compliance activities, regular monitoring, the secure option to report suspected cases and the consistent follow-up of potential misconduct contribute to the effectiveness of the CMS.

Code of conduct for suppliers
tmax is committed to complying with all legal regulations and also to behaving in a morally correct manner. tmax also expects its global supply chain, and therefore its business partners, to act with integrity and responsibility.
In the Supplier Code of Conduct, tmax has defined the principles of conduct, respect for human rights and compliance with applicable environmental and labor standards that tmax’s business partners must follow.

Code of conduct for employees
We firmly believe that sustainable business success in a global business environment can only be achieved if there is a clear and unwavering commitment – from the company itself and all employees – to act with integrity. What is described in our Code of Conduct is the common thread that runs through all of our company’s decisions and actions. It creates trust – within the company itself and with external stakeholders. The Code of Conduct contains regulations on values and integrity, integrity towards society and the environment, integrity in the workplace, integrity and compliance and leading with integrity and is binding for all tmax employees.
Human rights
Respecting and protecting human rights is one of the non-negotiable foundations of a responsible and successful long-term approach to business. tmax is committed to respecting human rights and pursues the goal of not only preventing and punishing violations of these rights along the entire value chain, but also positively influencing the general human rights situation in its markets.
tmax has implemented a human rights risk management system to comply with human rights due diligence, which includes the following processes:
- We are convinced that our business can only be successfully implemented through long-term and responsible action. It is therefore particularly important that human rights are respected and upheld in all areas. In our declaration of principles, we express the importance of human rights and their high status.
- We record our duty of care for the protection of human rights in our internal reporting.
- With the help of a structured risk analysis, we systematically check at which business locations there is an increased risk of possible human rights violations or environmental damage.
- Our human rights risk management system is regularly monitored and adjusted as necessary.
- Anyone can use our whistleblower system to report human rights risks or violations of human rights-related obligations, among other things. The whistleblower system is accessible both via the intranet and publicly via our website. Information that reaches us from other sources is also processed according to the same principles and processes. Every reported case of possible misconduct is carefully examined and confirmed violations are punished appropriately where necessary.
- In the event of increased risks or a concrete suspected case of a human rights violation, which we either record with our human rights risk analysis or which reaches us via our complaints channels, we carefully examine the situation and initiate the necessary preventive or remedial measures to prevent, end or minimize the extent of the violation.

Whistleblower system
Misconduct by individual internal and external persons can cause lasting damage to tmax as a company, its employees and all other stakeholders.
tmax is therefore obliged to prevent any form of unlawful or even criminal activity within its own sphere of influence. This also includes providing reporting channels so that employees and external parties can easily and confidentially report any indications of possible misconduct. Being able to report a tip is basically nothing new at tmax. The existing reporting channels of letter, fax, telephone, e-mail or personal reporting will be supplemented by an electronic whistleblower system.
This enables uncomplicated, direct and secure submission of information. To report a suspected case, please click on the following link Button:
The whistleblower system can be used to report possible misconduct. Every reported tip will be investigated. After a discreet plausibility check, appropriate investigations and, if necessary, measures are initiated.