ESG: For a green, sustainable future
We know how important the sustainable development of the company is. On the one hand, to guarantee our employees a secure job. On the other, to best prepare tmax for an uncertain future.
Our products are used all over the world and have, for many years, been helping companies to meet the increasingly stringent emissions standards, protect people and machinery from high temperatures, and reduce resource consumption.

What does ESG mean?
Environmental Social Governance – ESG (in German: Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung) is the voluntary contribution of business to sustainable development that goes beyond legal requirements. It describes corporate actions that, on a voluntary basis, integrate social and environmental concerns into business operations and interactions with stakeholders and beneficiaries.
How does tmax implement ESG?
At tmax, the focus has been on developing sustainable processes and innovative products for over 45 years. An essential part of corporate responsibility is continuous investment in both employee know-how and environmentally friendly production processes – for a sustainable, economic corporate development.
Our product innovations have helped our customers meet stringent emissions standards and increase efficiency for conventional combustion engines, fuel cells and hydrogen engines since the company’s foundation,
Thus, tmax has been making a major contribution to the decarbonization of the industrial sector for many years.
Our mission statement
tmax offers customized, intelligent solutions
We know how important the sustainable development of the company is. On the one hand, to guarantee our employees job security, and on the other, to prepare tmax for an uncertain future in the best way possible.
Our products are used all over the world and have, for many years, been helping companies to meet increasingly stringent emissions standards, protect people and machinery from high temperatures, and reduce resource consumption.
tmax itself also contributes positively to the environment, prioritizes social issues and also exemplifies transparent corporate governance. The integration of ESG criteria is indispensable for us.
Good work and economic growth
It is our goal to keep the well-being and the performance of our employees in harmony through comprehensive health and environmental management. That is why we see occupational safety and health protection as an indispensable corporate objective. We live responsibility for environmental protection, energy conservation and occupational safety.
Within the company, selected control instruments and analysis methods are used. These identify potential risks and develop measures to avoid and minimize them. Environmental, energy and occupational safety performance is regularly monitored and underpinned by targets. This identifies potential for continuous improvement of the system so that continuous optimization can be achieved.
Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
Companies in the manufacturing industry have a central role to play in the responsible use of raw materials and energy resources. However, the dynamic changes in the environmental situation in recent years, present manufacturing companies with fundamental challenges.
Through a variety of innovations in factory operations and product development, tmax meets the new challenges with confidence. In recent years, many innovative patents have been filed in the company’s own research and development department, for which tmax was recognized as a “Top 100 Innovator” in 2020 and 2021.
Affordable and clean energy
We see environmental protection as a corporate and social responsibility as well as a success factor for tmax. We practice active and comprehensive environmental management and always take the concerns of environmental protection and the preservation of our habitat into account, in our planning and activities. This includes sourcing clean energy to support and promote environmentally friendly energy production.
In this regard, tmax takes an active role in preserving our habitat by always considering the concerns of our environment alongside all our activities.
Our ISO 14001 (environmental management) and ISO 50001 (energy management) certifications are further proof of this.
Principles of conduct
tmax is aware of its social responsibility and always acts in compliance with valid applicable laws, ordinances and regulations as well as the general ethical and social principles of our community.
Furthermore, tmax supports and encourages all employees in their career and family aspirations and facilitates open and trusting dialog with superiors.
Both employees and suppliers are required to behave honestly and ethically. They are expected not to engage in activities that result in discrimination and inequality.
In the course of the EU Whistleblower Directive, we introduced a digital whistleblower system that enables all employees to report tips and violations securely and anonymously to the responsible persons.
Climate protection and adaptation
Rising costs for material and energy supply, as well as in the fulfillment of environmental regulations, increase the pressure on manufacturing companies. They must continuously improve their efficiency. Reducing energy consumption and increasing the share of renewable energies are among the key levers for tmax to make a positive contribution in this regard. For years, we have relied on a “green” electricity mix, to reduce environmental impacts. We also use sensors to continuously determine the power consumption of our machines and systems in order to identify waste and derive measures for optimization.
As part of this, we are also gradually converting our fleet of company cars to alternative drive systems. We offer our employees company cars with hybrid drive as well as battery drive. Corresponding charging stations are also being planned.
Sustainable production
In the manufacture of our products, we always aim to work in an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly manner and to reduce emissions and waste to a minimum. We are committed to the principle of sustainability and use the resources entrusted to us responsibly.
We design, develop and manufacture our products with the environment and its protection in mind. In addition, we make sure to keep the use of resources for the manufacture of our products as low as possible, attach importance to a high recycling rate and minimize our waste as far as possible.
Our products help to improve the efficiency of engines and plants, reduce emissions and conserve natural resources. They increase the safety of systems and thus serve to protect life and limb.