Legal Notice

The website using the domains is managed by:

tmax Germany GmbH
Ölhafenstraße 20-28
D-68169 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621-32235-0

Business managers authorised to represent: Thorsten Thom (CEO)

Register court: district court Mannheim
Register nr.: HRB 2043
Sales tax identification number / VAT-No. according to § 27 a Sales tax law: DE143868837

[email protected]


Additional information in accordance with the Legal Framework Conditions for Electronic Business Act (EGG) in combination with §6 Teleservices Act (TDG): Thorsten Thom

The technical specifications made on these pages are not binding. They describe the technical specifications of the products but cannot be considered a guarantee of contractual characteristics. Individual details are subject to contractual agreement.

We cannot assume any liability for the content of external pages. Solely the operators of those linked pages are responsible for their content.

We makes every reasonable effort to ensure that the content of this Web site is kept up to date, and that it is accurate and complete. Nevertheless, the possibility of errors cannot be entirely ruled out. We does not give any warranty in respect of the timeliness, accuracy or completeness of material published on this Web site, and disclaim all liability for (material or non-material) loss or damage incurred by third parties arising from the use of content obtained from the Web site.

  • Marine

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    Market leader for SOLAS-compliant insulation in the marine sector for over 45 years.

  • Oil & Gas

    A prevented fire does not need to be extinguished

    100% SOLAS compliant insulation solutions for maximum work safety on your platform.

  • Power Generation

    Insulation technologies for stationary power generation.

    Undisputed technology leader for outstandingly effective thermal insulation.

  • Performance

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    Insulations that were unthinkable yesterday are now ready for series production in the shortest possible time.